jeudi 3 septembre 2015

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is recognized as a human right according to the article19 of the universal déclaration of human rights and the ICCPR ( international covenant of civil and political Rights )
everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference"
"everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice". 
Also article 19 states that this right Carries "special duties and responsibilities"  and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "for respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "for the protection of national security or of public order , or of public health or morals"
In some countries freedom of speech is still Suppressed due to the ignorance of their govermants and some countries fought their govermants for their right of expression ( like Tunisia )  ✌🏻️

Gender inequality

Inequality between men and women has been and will always be a problem due to the ignorant community that we're living in ... It's like a girl's body , mind and life belong to everybody excapt for her ... She lives to satisfy her family and the society but Never get the satisfaction she needs.
From birth to Marriage , women live under the Power of her father and then she lives under the Power of her husband so nothing changed excapt for the Master of the Gang , the question is : when will women get their independance ? When will we live like we want ? When will I be able to get out of the house going wherever i want , wearing whatever  I like and doing whatever I want without being critisized ? Community sets these rules for women to Follow and whenever we break them , we become whores and sluts and they critisize us without knowing the circumstances